Sandwiches - What’s Up With ’em?!
I ask thee, what does one imagine when envisioning something referred to as a “sandwich”? Does it depend on the ingredients? Is it about...
Sandwiches - What’s Up With ’em?!
Mental Health for College Students
Honoring Our Negative Emotions
The Joy of Spreadsheets!
The Sacred Journey
True Crime: Buried by History
RIP COVID... *nervous laughter*
Existential Nausea, Anyone? A Book Review for Our Time!
The Practice of Method and Madness
Editor Book Picks: Little Women
To Warn or Not To Warn? That Is the Trigger...
Words Are Hard
Here’s the Thing About Spigots and Springs
Welcome to 2021!
If I Could Have a Do-Over
Homemade Comfort!
Fear, Loneliness, Gratitude
From Our President, Kris Duffy
All the things I would do if I had the time
The Quiet of No Computers